Tariff Comparison FAQ
Tariff comparison
The app includes a feature to upload your recent electricity bill and do a comparison with other available plans from a variety of retailers.

You can find out if you're on the best plan, review the features and details of available plans, and even switch to a new plan all within the app.
How does it work?
The app provides you the ability to upload or email a recent electricity bill (the PDF made available by your retailer, not a photo).

Your bill is forwarded to our partner Accurassi for processing, where they pull out the required information to do a comparison—things like what tariffs you are on, any special discounts, and your solar system's "exports" (electricity that is sent to the grid).

This information is then compared with Accurassi's extensive and up-to-date plan database to determine which plans could save you money. These plans are presented in the app.

Clicking on a plan in the app takes you through to detailed information about the plan, including tariffs, payment options, eligibility criteria, conditions and other details so you can make an informed choice.

If you decide on a plan presented in the app, you can click the "Switch to this plan" button to start the process of switching. The app allows you to enter in all the information that the retailer needs to be able to switch you over to the new plan. This information is passed directly through to the retailer for them to process.
Who runs this service?
Wattwatchers has partnered with Accurassi to provide the comparison service. Accurassi developed this service in response to their values to provide clean and fair product choices and long-term sustainability of our environment.

Accurassi is an independent service that supports a wide range of services (not just, including the Service NSW 'Energy Switch' and Victorian DELWP 'Victorian Energy Compare' sites.
Who has access to the information I provide?
When you upload a bill, we pass through the bill to our partner, Accurassi, so they can pull out the information they need to do the comparison. Your bill and related information is stored on Accurassi's servers so that they can check back on what was the best plan at the time you uploaded the bill. Data you provide to Accurassi via our service is covered under Accurassi's Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

Your comparison results are cached on our servers to make it faster to load the results and provide other services (like budgeting and usage reporting in monetary terms) within our app.

If you choose to change your electricity plan, the information you provide in the sign-up process is passed through to the retailer. As required by industry regulations, Accurassi stores this information on it's servers so that a record of what plan information you were presented with and under what conditions you agreed to sign-up is maintained.

Participating retailers are NOT otherwise provided with your information—not even that you were looking at their plans.
What plans are included in the comparison?
The comparison service is powered by Accurassi, who provide an opt-in service for retailers to participate in the comparison marketplace.

Currently 12 retailers are participating in the marketplace, including:
  • 1st Energy
  • Alinta Energy
  • Click Energy
  • Diamond
  • EnergyAustralia
  • Lumo
  • Momentum
  • Nectr
  • OVO
  • Powershop
  • Red
  • Sumo Energy
This list is growing all the time. If your retailer isn't listed, please let them (or us) know that you'd like to see them in the list.

Even if your retailer isn't participating, provided we can process your bill we can compare your current plan with those retailer plans that are in our marketplace.

This is not a "pay to play" service—we do not restrict the plans or retailers based on what they pay us. We do not privilege particular plans over others—the comparison results are entirely driven by the savings estimate and your criteria (such as green options).
Is my solar system's output included in the results?
Yes. Accurassi's service performs a detailed analysis of your bill, taking into consideration a wide range of factors, including how much solar you have exported (sent to the grid) in the billing period being compared. This means that when you see a savings estimate, you can be confident it's based on all the different nuances and factors that are involved with your specific service.
Who makes money and where? Does this influence the results?
Accurassi makes a small fixed commission for any new sign-ups that come through our service. This commission is the same no matter which plan you choose.

The results of your comparison are in no way influenced by these payments, nor does this commission affect the cost or rates of the plans offered to you.

The Accurassi service differs from many other services in that it is definitely NOT a "pay to play" service—Accurassi do not restrict the plans or retailers based on how much they pay.

Wattwatchers does not receive any commissions or payments for sign-ups completed within our app.
Are you going to spam or hound me if I use the service?
Definitely not!! Your use of the service is at your convenience and discretion. We will not call you, email, or otherwise contact you after running a comparison, unless you choose to switch providers, in which case we'll email you a confirmation.
Will any retailers know I've looked at their plan?
We do not provide retailers with individual data about specific customers that have looked at their plans. We may provide generic statistics (such as the total number of people that have viewed plans, for example) but never in a way that would identify an individual.
Can I compare "time of use" plans?
Accurassi can identify a "Time of Use" (TOU) tariff by the number of periods present in the uploaded bill. If a bill contains a combination of Peak, Off-Peak and/or Peak Shoulder periods, Accurassi will generate a comparison of appropriate TOU plans available. We currently provide "like-for-like" comparisons, so customers with bills identified as containing Single Rate tariffs will only view Single Rate plan comparisons, and those with TOU will only see TOU comparisons.
Are there plans available in my state?
Currently we have coverage for plans in New South Wales (NSW), Victoria (VIC), South Australia (SA), and most of Queensland (QLD).

We don't or can't currently provide electricity comparisons for consumers in:
  • Northern QLD (Ergon, non-contestable)
  • WA (Horizon Power and Synergy, non-contestable)
  • NT (Jacana, non-contestable)
  • TAS (until recently non-contestable, coming soon)

We will continue to develop the service as these areas become contestable.
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