The app provides you the ability to upload or email a recent electricity bill (the PDF made available by your retailer, not a photo).
Your bill is forwarded to our partner
Accurassi for processing, where they pull out the required information to do a comparison—things like what tariffs you are on, any special discounts, and your solar system's "exports" (electricity that is sent to the grid).
This information is then compared with Accurassi's extensive and up-to-date plan database to determine which plans could save you money. These plans are presented in the app.
Clicking on a plan in the app takes you through to detailed information about the plan, including tariffs, payment options, eligibility criteria, conditions and other details so you can make an informed choice.
If you decide on a plan presented in the app, you can click the "Switch to this plan" button to start the process of switching. The app allows you to enter in all the information that the retailer needs to be able to switch you over to the new plan. This information is passed directly through to the retailer for them to process.